Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Do You Boo?

Last year Busy Bee & I started a new tradition with booing! You've probably heard of it, but in case you haven't - it means leaving a treat on a neighbor's doorstep. They then pass on the boo by leaving a treat for another neighbor and so on and so on! Once you've been booed, you hang a cute little ghost in your window to let others know not to boo you. Our goal last year was seeing most of our neighborhood with that little guy hanging and we did it!  (We enlisted the help of 2 accomplices to start booing at the same time so that we would have 3 "chains" going.)

To make it easier, I created a BOO packet in an envelope to pass along with the treats. It includes a poem, instructions & the "We've been Booed" signs. Yes, I reallize that some people might compare "booing" to an annoying chain letter... but it's for the kids! And let me tell ya'... Busy Bee loves it! I let her pick the target & what we do for the treat.

Last night was our first "Booing!" We'll do 2 more to keep the Booing going later in the week.

I love seeing the excitement & anticipation build. We practice being quiet  and make up silent hand signals. So fun! We do not do the "ding, dong, ditch" version that some people do. We leave it at night to be found in the morning.

PIC REMOVED :) Until after Halloween... we don't want to give ourselves away!!

Check out this site for printable poems and ghost signs.

Here's the little ditty that I compiled from different sources online along with instructions. Feel free to borrow it!

Since this is the time for goblin and bats
Halloween spirits and ghosts and cats...
Happenings are silly and witches make brew
The following things are the things I wish for you.

May the only spirit you chance to meet
Be the spirit of love and friends that are sweet.
May the only goblin that comes your way
Be this neighborhood ghost that's coming to say:

Happy Halloween & Have a Boo-tiful day!

So in the next few days,
pick a friend down the street
and give to them a Halloween treat.
Fill this container with goodies galore
then leave it for them at their front door.
As this pail moves along from friend to friend,
All good wishes go on and never end!

1. Enjoy your treats!
2. Post your ghost sign for others to see that you've been BOOED.
3. Feel free to to reuse this container or do something new.
4. Choose a neighbor (or 2) to BOO!
5. Be sure to include with their treat a poem and sign for them to hang.
6. Pass along the envelope with poems and signs for them to use when they boo somebody.
7. Watch as hopefully the BOOING goes aroud the neighborhood.

Bee Happy,
post signature

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