Saturday, October 30, 2010

A few more Halloween Ideas

Ok, so I know it's the 11th hour (literally) but maybe you're a night owl like me & conjuring up a craft project that you can do with minimal mess but spooktacular impact. Try a colony of bats!

{Martha Stewart}

We have them clipped up on our blinds. We like to move them around and hunt for them with binoculars. :)We also used the template to create a few for our windows out of black vinyl. You could also use black contact paper or construction paper.

Head here for the directions & template.
(My tip: who has time to spray paint clothespins? Seriously... a Sharpie works just fine.)

We made these last year for treat giving. Frankensteins from take out boxes. CUTE, cute,  & CA-UTE!


And as the name of my blog implies, I'm busy.. :) so a few projects didn't make the cut this year for one reaon or another.

Here are my favorites that are going in my inspiration file:

Pumpkin Topiaries

I wanted to do the topiarys last year. Oh well...

Welcome Wagon
This gets me every time. I can't stop thinking about the execution of this. Loooove it.

{Under The Table and Dreaming}
Mouse Motel
I like her version better than Martha's!

Oh well, there's always next year!

Bee Happy,

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